of lunch - TCC @ MBS

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this is my first time lunching at TCC. Never before lol. the lunching experience i would rate it as "not bad". the food is reasonably price and there are quite a variety to choose from ( sandwich, pasta , western food stuff). 

i tried their smoked salmon sandwich with avacodo sauce. is really good and i love it very much!

cant really remember the name of the drink and food lol and i can only remember what i eat ..stupid me. i should have wrote it down lo. anyway, pictures say a thousand words.
my fruity soda drink.

my salmon sandwich. something light and not heavy for the day

pasta with nothng but veges lol..mushrooms
Spagetthi with scallops....i think this is a new dish...if i rem correctly. i guess next time i should bring a notebook out to start nothing down what are the name of the dishes and more info le...

well..thats all for the short blog of the week.
